Rise of the Planet of the Apes

RiseofthePlanetofhteApesCan apes someday overtake Norwood… and eventually Earth? Read this review and you decide!

It was somewhat of a slow week at the cineplex for me. I only got to see one movie. It just so happens that I saw that “one movie” twice. The film was “Rise of the Planet of the Apes.”

Now, I bet my loyal and dedicated readers are asking themselves, “did Matty like this movie?” Well, seeing that I saw it twice in a weekend, my answer would be “do monkeys like bananas?” Heck yes I liked this movie! Even a primate would love this film!

Unlike the 2001 Tim Burton vehicle, “Planet of the Apes” (starring Boston’s own Mark Walhberg), this film tells the story of how the apes rise and overtake planet Earth (in the 2001 film, Wahlberg’s character crash lands in an already sophisticated ape society). Continue reading Rise of the Planet of the Apes

A review of the summer blockbuster.

[xrr rating=5/5]
CaptainAmerica_TheFirstAvengerIt was a sweltering Friday afternoon, I had just finished making the world pretty (one lawn at a time) and the sun had been beating down on my balding head for a solid 10 hours. I needed to cool off… and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a showcase cinema and eight tiny movies playing inside.

OK, so they weren’t tiny movies. As a matter of fact the movie I was going to see was a blockbuster. That film was “CAPTAIN AMERICA: The First Avenger.”

Now if you are at all familiar with me, you may know that I am a science fiction geek. That’s not to say that you won’t catch me at an “artsy-fartsy” independent film, but when these big budget sci-fi flicks hit the theatre, I’m the first in line to see ’em… seriously. I’m the first one in line and when people try to cut me, I shake my head, laugh out loud and say, “I don’t think so.” Continue reading A review of the summer blockbuster.


ZooKeeperMatty Kelley walks us through a movie night and the high points of “Zookeeper.”

Tuesday night, 7:00 p.m., 88 degrees out, what to do, what to do….? Wait. I’ve got an idea. I’ll go see a movie! And that’s exactly what I did – I got dressed, threw on my movie slippers and I made my way to the cinema to see “Zookeeper.”

But before I can even go into the theatre and enjoy the magic I must gather a few things. First, Matty needs some dinner. So I make my way over to the Nathan’s famous hot dog counter and say, “Hey what’s up brother, could I get the hot dog combo, please? Oh, and could you ‘well done’ the hot dog, and also ‘well done’ the fries please?” The man running the show back there kind of knows me, so he says, “You got it big guy… you want Mountain Dew with that, right?” Let me tell you, I’ve got a connection with the folks that work at the theatre, and it’s a bond that will never be broken. Continue reading Zookeeper