I adore, mi ‘Amour’.

[xrr rating=4/5]
AmourIt took me some time to ‘amour’ this film, but after thinking about it for a few days, I really do ‘amour’ it.

I’m back!

It’s been somewhat of a lengthy hiatus since I’ve sat down and written an actual review on a movie, you know, with all the hoopla that surrounds “The Mattys”. But that is exactly what I am going to do today. I’m not saying that I despise “The Mattys” or anything like that, it’s just that I’ve seen so many movies since January 1st and haven’t been able to review any of them because of all the time and effort we have had to put in down at the ‘Matty Academy’ just to make “The Mattys” go off without a hitch. And there have been some movies that deserve to be reviewed, like “Texas Chainsaw 3D”. I kid you not, this could be the worst horror film in the history of horror films. (And I’ve seen “Human Centipede”!) This film absolutely deserved a “Matty lashing”. But alas, my awards show deserved the focus we gave it, and “The Mattys” were a rousing success. Thank you all for coming.

Now let’s review a movie!

Continue reading I adore, mi ‘Amour’.