Captain Phillips

[xrr rating=4.75/5]

I’ve been on the road for the past two weeks, touring the country and checking out some of America’s greatest wonders. I’ve seen Niagara Falls, Graceland, The Badlands, Mount Rushmore, more corn than ever imaginable, and so many cows that I’ve started to develop udders. I’m not done yet. I’ve still got to hit the Hoover Dam, the Grand Canyon and Vegas-baby before I reach my final destination of Los Angeles, where I hope to land an interesting job in the entertainment industry. Hell, I love movies, why not do something in film? (while of course, still writing my movie reviews.) That’s the plan, do something that makes me happy, right?

Well, you know what makes me happy? Movies man! You know what else makes me happy? Malls. And I got to see a great film at the greatest mall ever. The Mall of America in Minnesota. The place has everything in it, including a freshly baked Nestle’s Toll House Cookies kiosk, a Ninja Turtles ride and a dynamite roller coaster.

And it has a movie theatre. What a great combination, movies and malls. It’s perfect. Anyways, I saw “Gravity” there. And it was spectacular! I loved the 3D. The weightlessness ‘special effects’ were awesome, and the story of survival was inspiring to say the least. Continue reading Captain Phillips