Total Recall

[xrr rating=4/5]
TotalRecallIf you can suspend your thoughts on the original film, then I think you will enjoy this remake… I did.

“Open your mind… Open your mind… Open your mind.” -Kuato

Unfortunately, Kuato isn’t even in this updated reboot of the 1990 sci-fi blockbuster film, “Total Recall.” And this saddened me because Kuato may have been the most interesting character of ANY film in the 90’s. Yet, he was only in the movie for ten minutes. He was interesting to me because he looked like a melted Chucky doll from the movie “Childs Play,” that disgustingly grew out of the stomache of another man. He could read minds and he was the savior to all the aliens on the planet Mars. Yup, he was cool.

You may also remember that a handsome, muscular Arnold Schwarzenegger and a young, fit, pant-suit wearing, blond bombshell named Sharon Stone were the two actors that carried this film to stardom. Continue reading Total Recall