Ex Machina

ex_machina_ver4Merriam Webster’s definition of Ex Machina:
a character or thing that enters the story in a novel, play, or movie, etc., and solves a problem that had previously seemed impossible to solve.

Matty’s definition of the same term, (before I looked it up):
Ex Machina: (Spanish); an ex-machine.

Clearly, I had no idea of what this film was about before going in. As a matter of fact, I wasn’t even pronouncing it correctly. I thought it was pronounced “Ex-machine-ah.” Yeah, I kind of looked dumb when I was purchasing my ticket.

Hey, what do I know. I’m not a linguist. I’m the Second Best Movie Reviewer in the World. If Mr. Merriam Webster wants to have a sit down with Mr. Movie Reviewer I’ll gladly school him on everything movie related… and he can learn me every single word in the dictionary.

But until then I’m sticking with movies. Continue reading Ex Machina