“Zero Dark Thirty” is Zero Dark Dynamite.

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ZeroDarkThirtyThe theatre screen is completely black for the first two minutes of the film. All you can hear are air traffic controllers speaking to planes in the sky. Next, you hear the frantic phone calls from innocent souls trapped in the World Trade Center buildings. People are calling 911, screaming that they’re burning up. Family members (just like yours and mine) are talking to love ones, saying their last goodbyes. Some are begging emergency response teams to please help them. You hear technicians talking with the military, saying “This is not a drill, this is real life.” You hear them asking for help in the air, “Scramble some F16’s”… The United States is under attack on September 11, 2001.

You see none of this. You don’t see innocent victims jumping to their death. You don’t see the buildings come crumbling down. You don’t see people running for cover as a giant smoke cloud chases them through the New York City streets. And you don’t see fire fighters and police officers running to their deaths, in hopes of saving some innocent lives…. Yet, you see all of this. You see it all vividly in your mind, because we have all lived through this. We lived through the horror of 9/11.

And so begins the epic film, “Zero Dark Thirty.” Continue reading “Zero Dark Thirty” is Zero Dark Dynamite.