Help! Help! Oh, it’s The Help

TheHelpThe Help… I hear it’s a great book. I know it’s a great movie.

HELP! HELP! HELP!!!! Yes, that’s right, today I am reviewing the movie “The Help.”

I’ve had many, many girlfriends (both past and present… and some future) come up to me and say, “This is one great book,” and I can’t believe that they made a book out of this excellent movie! But being a professional movie reviewer, I can firmly say that the movie is ALWAYS better than the book. Let me give you an example: when I was younger I read the comic book “Transformers.” Now granted it was a great book, but it didn’t even come close to the movie! That’s just one example, there are many more out there. But I digress, back to the review. Continue reading Help! Help! Oh, it’s The Help