21 Quick Reviews! (Including Sicario, The Martian, and a whole bunch more).

despicable_me_2_minions-1920x1080Hello, loyal, dedicated, and movie-loving followers of mattywkelley.com. (all 3 of you).

It’s been some time since I last posted a review. I feel I owe you an explanation.

Truth be told, I’ve fallen in love. Good, clean love, (without utensils!). She’s a beautiful woman, stunning on the eyes, and quite a passionate and generous love-maker. She has an incredible body, mesmerizing eyes, and legs that go on for days. And she is incredibly smart. FINALLY, I’ve met someone who is of similar intellect as myself.  I’ve hit the jackpot with this one. Continue reading 21 Quick Reviews! (Including Sicario, The Martian, and a whole bunch more).