We’re The Miller’s

[xrr rating=4.75/5]

I’ve found the second movie of the year worthy of constant belly laughter. The first movie this year that made me grab at my gut was “This Is The End”, starring Seth Rogan and James Franco.

And now I have another.

“We’re The Miller’s” is that film that’ll have you constantly grabbing at your blubber. It’s that funny of a film.

I didn’t really know what to expect from this movie before I went in. I hadn’t heard too much about it. I had only seen a few previews for it in recent weeks, and, well, Ironman wasn’t in it, so it hadn’t really marinated in my brain too much. But of course, it’s a movie, so I was definitely going to see it.

And gosh-dang, am I glad I did! Continue reading We’re The Miller’s