47 Ronin

47RoninWhat an amazing year it’s been at the movies. We’ve been littered with all types of films this year. We’ve had some great movies (Blue is the Warmest Color), and some not so great movies (Anchorman 2). We’ve had laughter (We’re the Miller’s) and we’ve had pain (12 Years a Slave). We’ve had underrated films (Spring Breakers) and we’ve also had overrated duds. (The Lone Ranger).

And let’s not forget that we also had “Sharknado”. Yeah that’s right, that wretched display of a film actually played in theatres for one night. (And I’m the idiot that went and saw it.)

I could talk about all of this year’s releases for days on end, but I won’t today. I’ll save that article for my upcoming movie awards column, “The Matty’s”.

Nope, today we’re going to review a movie. And it’s my choice. A sort of pot-luck of what I have seen in the past week. You see, on Christmas morning I had tallied up my movie total for the year and I was at 90 films. I needed ten movies to hit the coveted century mark. And I was going to do it. So in the past seven days I’ve seen, The Wolf of Wall Street, American Hustle, Her, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Grudge Match, Lone Survivor, Saving Mr. Banks, Mandela, Frozen, and 47 Ronin. Nine out of these ten movies were very good to great. Guess which one wasn’t.

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