Spring Breakers

[xrr rating=4.5/5]
SpringBreakersI totally loved this movie.

Joe Francis deserves to be paid royalties for this movie… You know why? Because half of this film is a complete rip-off of his straight to dvd, “Girls Gone Wild” videos.

And the other half of this film is a mesmerizing look into the seedy world of sex, drugs, alcohol, and gangstas while on spring break in Florida.

Put those two elements together and you’ve got yourself one powerful, sexual, and extra-terrestrial film… And I totally loved it.

Now, I will tell you right from the start that this film is not for everyone. It is definitely not for children. It is also not for old fogies who are out of touch with reality. This is a film with a lot of illegal activity going on in it. And once again, I totally loved this film.

But it was definitely not what I expected. Continue reading Spring Breakers