You Sank My ‘Battleship’

[xrr rating=3/5]
BattleshipActually, this movie will sink on its own.

Well, here we are. The unofficial summer movie season is upon us. Usually it would start up on Memorial Day weekend, but movie studios want to be the first ones out of the gate, so they jump the gun and release their big blockbusters early.

Look at “The Avengers.” Disney/Marvel released that film on May 4, three weeks before Memorial Day. That didn’t really matter though, because that film is so good, they could’ve released it during the blizzard of ’78 and people would’ve shovelled their way to the theatre just to see it.

Maybe the movie studio that made “Battleship” wanted to get a head start on the other competition and throw its film into theatres a week early. If you’re going to do that though, make sure you have a film that people are itching to see. Continue reading You Sank My ‘Battleship’