The Bourne Legacy

[xrr rating=3/5]
TheBourneLegacyThis movie could’ve just as easily been called “The Boring Legacy,” just like its predecessors.

I don’t know who out in Hollywood got a hold of all you lemmings and brainwashed you into thinking that ANY of these “Bourne” movies are any good, but take it from a professional movie reviewer – they aren’t.

Seriously, what is going on here? I’ve asked many of my friends if they liked the “Jason Bourne” trilogy, starring Boston’s own Matt Damon, and the majority have said that, yeah, they do like them. I said to myself, “What is up? What am I missing?” This is when I decided to call in some professional help.

I have connections in the movie reviewing business, so I called on them to get their professional opinions on this saga.

The reviewers that I called in work for a website called “A Seat Apart: Reel Reviews.” And let me tell you, they sure know their movies. Continue reading The Bourne Legacy