‘Django Unchained’

[xrr rating=3.5/5]
DjangoUnchained“Django Unchained” is another masterpiece from the fabulous mind of Quentin Tarantino.

Quentin Tarantino has done it again. He has made yet another movie that I totally love. He has done this many times with me. As a director, he has only a handful of mainstream films, but some of the great ones include “Reservoir Dogs,” “Pulp Fiction” and my number one movie of 2009, “Inglorious Basterds.” He was also a “special guest director” on a cool movie named “Sin City” too. He did let me down though with the films “Kill Bill: Volumes 1 and 2″… and I look forward to being let down again when “Kill Bill: Volume 3” comes out. (Yup, I just read that it has been announced, which means pre-production is on the way.) I surely hope it doesn’t let me down, but I just didn’t dig the first two. Either way, I’ll be seeing it because it’s a Tarantino film. Continue reading ‘Django Unchained’