The Lone Ranger

[xrr rating=3/5]
TheLoneRangerThe Lone Ranger galloped its way into theatres this fourth of July weekend, and it seems to me like there isn’t too much buzz around it. I find this odd seeing that the film is a remake of the popular TV show of the same name and also stars a big-name actor in Johnny Depp. But what do I know? I could be completely wrong on this. I’ve looked for some early numbers on its box-office take and I couldn’t find any. Then again, I am writing this review on friday evening and maybe they haven’t tallied up all the figures from the holiday yet… Either way, it doesn’t matter what it raked in, because whether it took in 40 dollars or 40 million dollars, I’m going to review it for you. (Just a quick note though: This film cost an estimated 250 million dollars to make… That’s why I wanted to see some rough numbers.)

“The Lone Ranger” tells the story of how John Reid (Armie Hammer) a man of the law, became the legendary masked hero. It also follows Tonto’s crusade to find justice from a man who slayed his entire tribe when he was a child… (and all for a pocketwatch.) Continue reading The Lone Ranger