The Mattys 2015: “Best Picture”

golden noseDirector:

“Ok everyone, let’s get ready for the final scene! This is it! The martini shot! Time to air Matty’s biggest “Big Nose” of the night! Let’s make this finale a great one!
Cue the cameramen! Cue the Production and Art Departments! Cue the grips! Cue the Best Boy! Q the Bert! And most importantly, cue the P.A.s! We need those G.D. P.A.s, stat!
Ok Matty, you’re on! Let’s do this!

And remember, I love you. I always have.”

“Go for Matty in 3… 2… 1…”

(Matty stares mesmerized at his female director).


“Huh??? Um… Ok… we’re back…

(Matty again stares oddly at his director).

I mean, WE’RE BACK!
Here we are, back at The Matty Awards! And what a show it has been so far! We’ve given out a lot of Golden Noses tonight, and we’re not done yet. We still have to give out our Biggest Beak of the evening: “Best Picture.” Continue reading The Mattys 2015: “Best Picture”