‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’

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ThePerksOfBeingaWallflowerI may have found my contender for this year’s “Best Picture” award at the Oscars.

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. The movie is ALWAYS better than the book. I can’t stress this enough. You know why it’s always better? Because books suck. They make me dizzy, and they take too long to read. I’ve told you this many times before. I’ve given up on books. As a matter of fact, I’ve never really even given books a chance. The only book I’ve ever read from cover to cover was “Return of the Jedi,” and I read that one from BACK cover to FRONT cover! Maybe it’s because I’m a lefty and it’s easier to flip the pages from back to front. (I read magazines the same way.) Or maybe it was because I wanted to see how “Star Wars” ended and I’m an immature and impatient child who needs the answer right away. But either way I started with the last chapter and LOVED how it ended, so I went to the chapter before. Loved that chapter too. Next thing I knew it was six months later and I had just finished my first ‘grown-up’ book ever… in seventh grade homeroom reading period… backwards!

I swore off books after that fiasco and haven’t looked back since. Continue reading ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’