
ZooKeeperMatty Kelley walks us through a movie night and the high points of “Zookeeper.”

Tuesday night, 7:00 p.m., 88 degrees out, what to do, what to do….? Wait. I’ve got an idea. I’ll go see a movie! And that’s exactly what I did – I got dressed, threw on my movie slippers and I made my way to the cinema to see “Zookeeper.”

But before I can even go into the theatre and enjoy the magic I must gather a few things. First, Matty needs some dinner. So I make my way over to the Nathan’s famous hot dog counter and say, “Hey what’s up brother, could I get the hot dog combo, please? Oh, and could you ‘well done’ the hot dog, and also ‘well done’ the fries please?” The man running the show back there kind of knows me, so he says, “You got it big guy… you want Mountain Dew with that, right?” Let me tell you, I’ve got a connection with the folks that work at the theatre, and it’s a bond that will never be broken.

Next up is the ticket ripping guy. He’s a jolly fellow who doesn’t mind when I ask him the question: “Have you seen this movie yet? Did you like it?” He’s an easy going man and I’m glad he is in my life. Next stop, my favorite seat: back row, furthest from the entrance. I like this seat because a) no one is behind you, and b) everyone is afraid to walk in front of the crowded theatre to get to the good seats, so they’re always available.

Now I am ready to enjoy my movie… yes people, this is my life.

Anyways, I saw the movie “Zookeeper.” I went in with somewhat low expectations but I was pleasantly surprised. It was not bad at all. It’s about a zookeeper at the Frankin Park Zoo (yup, that zoo that is right here in Boston) who is trying to find love but is having one heck of a time trying to figure it out. So what happens, you ask? Talking zoo animals happen, that’s what!

It’s a good story but it somewhat reminded me of Dr. Doolittle. The animals are funny and Kevin James (who plays the zookeeper) delivers with his comedy, and in the end you walk out of the theatre saying, “Yeah, that was a pretty good film.”

Other good actors in this flick were Leslie Bibb, who plays James’ love interest, and Rosario Dawson, who also plays James’ love interest. Joe Rogan plays a slimy hooligan bad boy, and I think he did a great job. What I enjoyed most was trying to figure out the voices of the animals in the zoo (I got a few of them right and I was way off on some).

One more thing, there are some excellent views of our wonderful city in this film.

Oh, sorry, another one more thing: DONNIE WALBERG IS IN IT TOO! I LOVE THAT GUY!

If I was to give this movie a rating on a scale of 2 to 17, I would definitely give this flick a solid 11… go out and see it. I bet you’d like it. This is Matty W. Kelley reporting.


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