Gone Girl

Gone GirlDavid Fincher.

You don’t know who he is? Well then you’re an idiot.

He’s ONLY one of my favorite directors of this generation, THAT’S who he is. Now don’t you feel like an idiot? Not yet? Well, give it time, I’ll make you feel like an idiot.

David Fincher barely misses when he directs a film.

Let me rattle a few of his movies off to you and see if you agree with me.

“Se7en.” What an incredibly intense film. You didn’t like it? You’re an idiot.

“The Social Network.” I never expected this film to be as great as it was. People who have seen this film and loved it are not idiots. If you didn’t like this film, well then… you’re an idiot.

“The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.” This film was so interesting (and well acted) that it was impossible to not like. I gave it a perfect score (5 Giant Noses) back in 2011. You say you have a friend who didn’t like it? Then go tell him he’s an idiot.

“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.” This was such an oddball story that this film could’ve gone two ways: Terrible or Excellent. Do you know which way it went? Of course you do because you’re not an idiot. And for all of you idiots out there: it was excellent.

“Alien 3.” I didn’t see this film because I am an idiot. (or am I? Was it good?)

And what I believe to be his masterpiece is “Fight Club.” This is such a character driven film with an original storyline. Tyler Durden punches you in the face from beginning to end. If you didn’t enjoy this film, well then YOU are most definitely and unequivocally the biggest idiot on the planet.

David Fincher directed all these films. David Fincher is not an idiot.

David Fincher has a new film out right now call “Gone Girl.” It stars Ben Affleck as “Nick Dunne” and Rosamund Pike as “Amy Dunne,” a married couple living in a Missouri suburb when on their fifth wedding anniversary, Amy goes missing. The town rallies around Nick in the hopes of finding his beautiful wife and putting back together their perfect, sweet, little marriage.

But is it perfect? That is the question. Stories of infidelity and financial problems surface and Nick is all of a sudden the key suspect in his wife’s disappearance. The world is following this story and Nick Dunne can’t hide from the spotlight.

Meanwhile, where is his wife? Well, there’s a story in a story right there.

There are many other characters in this film that could play into any scenario that may have happened. You have ex-boyfriends, hill-billy drifters, underground burned out mall-dwellers, parents, siblings and of course, you have the cops. No one knows what happened, but it’s such and interesting ride to see where Mr. Fincher directs this film to go. (Yes, I know this film was a book first, written by the extrordinary Gillian Flynn. But books suck, and it wasn’t until Mrs. Flynn wrote the screenplay and gave it to Mr. Fincher did this become incredibly entertaining story.)

I loved this film. It was littered with some fantastic actors that went unnoticed in the trailers.

Neil Patrick Harris plays an ex-boyfriend with a creepy side to him, and he pulled it of flawlessly.

Kim Dickens played the meticulous Detective Rhonda Boney. I found her character to be annoying, sarcastic, forgiving, and at times, quite sexy. Great job in this role for Miss Dickens.

The kid who played “Stuart Minkus” in the TV show “Boy Meets World” played a cop in this film… and although I don’t know his real name, I was just really, really happy to see Officer Stuart Minkus on the scene.

And lastly, Tyler Perry. Mr. Perry played a Johnny Cochran-type lawyer named “Tanner Bolt.” He was the hot-shot defense attorney for Nick Dunne. I think this may be Tyler Perry’s best role I’ve ever seen him in… Finally he has a film he should be proud to put his name in front of. I would have loved it if this film was called “Tyler Perry’s: Gone Girl.”

I do quickly have to say that Ben Affleck was great in his role and Rosamund Pike was out of this world in her’s.

But the real winner of this film is David Fincher. To get a bunch of actors to come together and put an amazing piece of work like this out for all of us to see… Well Mr. Fincher, kudos. You’ve scored another winner with me.

So, if you liked this film then you are not an idiot. If you did not like this film, then you are an idiot.

And if you read the book then you are the biggest idiot ever. You knew they we’re gonna make a movie out of it! You wasted six months of your life reading that dumb book when all you had to do is wait for the awesome movie.


Matty W. Kelley, reporting.

Fun Fact: Ben Affleck on David Fincher: “He’s the only director I’ve met that can do everybody elses job better than they could.”

Fun Matty Fact: Much like Ben Affleck and David Fincher, I am also not an idiot.

2 thoughts on “Gone Girl”

  1. Never. Ever. Let down by reading a Matty review. I ❤️ You. I can’t wait until you are too famous to know me. You deserve it.

    PS. I have this book in my kindle app. PAID FOR IT. and, because I’m not an idiot, I won’t be reading it. But, I did pay for it, so….hmmmm. Guess I am an idiot.

    1. Good girl Meg. Of course you are not an idiot. Its ok to buy books, just so long as you don’t read them.
      Books-bad, movies-good. 😉
      Thanks for reading my articles.

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