It’s a ‘Horse’ of a Different Color!

WarHorseCan Steven Spielberg win the derby with the epic film, “War Horse?”

When you hear the name Steven Spielberg, you think Hollywood’s cream of the crop right away. And why wouldn’t you? With production credits for ‘out of this world’ films like “E.T.,” “Deep Impact,” and of course, a couple of my favorites, “Back to the Future” and “Transformers,” Spielberg has Hollywood in the palm of his hand.

But science-fiction is not his only area of expertise. He has also made deeply gripping, heart-warming, tear-jerking masterpieces. “Schlindler’s List,” “Forrest Gump,” “Saving Private Ryan,” and “Flags of our Fathers” are just four of his numerous incredible films. Needless to say, Spielberg is one of the greatest filmakers of ANY generation.

But I’m Matty W. Kelley, and I’m not going to let Mr. Spielberg off 100 percent scott-free. Let us remember, he also made “Joe Versus the Volcano” and “Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.”

Mr. Spielberg has a new film out this season. That movie is “War Horse.”

Will “War Horse” become another one of his gems, or will it follow Joe into the volcano and burn for all eternity? Well, that’s what I’m here to tell you.

“War Horse” tells the story of a young boy named Albert who owns a horse named Joey. They live on a farm in England. Albert teaches Joey how to plow the fields, and how to run and jump and all sorts of “horsey” stuff.

This is all taking place at a time when World War I is about to erupt.

Albert’s father cannot afford to keep the farm afloat, so he sells Joey to the cavalry so he can pay his mortgage.

This totally bums Albert out, and I think the horse is all bummed out too, but you never know for sure, because horses can’t talk… But trust me, he’s bummed out. Albert swears to Joey that someday they will be reunited.

The movie now follows the path Joey takes, and you watch the casualties of war that surround him. You learn that war horses are used for many things during battle. Some jobs are to pull ambulances out on the battlefield, drag cannons, and also be the first creature into battle when it comes to hand-to-hand combat… Let me tell you, I wouldn’t want to be a war horse. Actually, I wouldn’t want to be a regular horse because I’d have a hard time typing this review.

Also in war, horses are often stranded and eventually become the property of someone else. Even the enemy. Joey ends up having many owners during this film, and learning about his new owners becomes a very interesting part of the story.

Eventually Albert, (Joey’s original owner) becomes old enough to fight for his country and enlists.

Now go see this movie, because if I tell you anymore, then I’ll ruin the ending for you. And you don’t want that now, do you?

Did Steven Spielberg make himself another epic film, like he has done so many times before? Or does this movie belong with the “Crystal Skull?”

My answer to you is, I’d put my money on this horse any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

Great job Mr. Spielberg, you have ‘phoned home’ another winner.

Matty W. Kelley

Fun Fact: Steven Spielberg is the Godfather of both Drew Barrymore AND Gwyneth Paltrow.

Another Fun Fact: I’m the Godfather of Ben Kelley, Logan Ventarosa, AND Seamus Joyce.

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