Can apes someday overtake Norwood… and eventually Earth? Read this review and you decide!
It was somewhat of a slow week at the cineplex for me. I only got to see one movie. It just so happens that I saw that “one movie” twice. The film was “Rise of the Planet of the Apes.”
Now, I bet my loyal and dedicated readers are asking themselves, “did Matty like this movie?” Well, seeing that I saw it twice in a weekend, my answer would be “do monkeys like bananas?” Heck yes I liked this movie! Even a primate would love this film!
Unlike the 2001 Tim Burton vehicle, “Planet of the Apes” (starring Boston’s own Mark Walhberg), this film tells the story of how the apes rise and overtake planet Earth (in the 2001 film, Wahlberg’s character crash lands in an already sophisticated ape society).
Believe me, I am not trying to steer you away from the Tim Burton film (I loved that movie), but this movie has a much more interesting story, and for me, being way into science fiction, it is plausible that this could someday happen to this great green Earth. Now don’t get too worried, I’m talking eons here, like at least 18 years.
The story goes like this, Dr. Will Rodman, aptly played by James Franco, is a scientist try to figure out a cure for alzheimers. He tests his new drug out on an ape, and low and behold the ape becomes extremely intelligent. There are slight side-effects to the drug though, (like apes throwing serious beatings on people) along with the problem it may have on humans. By the time they should shut down the experiment, it’s just too late. “Cesar” (that’s the smart ape’s name), is ready to get his monkey-hands on this drug and begin the revolt on the humans with his other monkey buddies (yes, I know monkeys aren’t apes, it just sounds funnier). Believe me, it’s a great story with a human feel to it. It deals with addiction, racism and love.
Now to the effects. The CGI (computer generated images) gorillas are insane! I thought the apes in the 2001 movie were great, but they don’t even compare to the apes in this film. All of the gorillas in this film had life to their facial expressions and you could feel their pain just by looking at them (very genuine). Also, when these apes attack the Golden Gate Bridge during the climax of the film, you are happy you are in the theatre and not in a Hyundai sitting on that overpass.
I’ve seen a lot of movies this year at the theatres (over 60), and I may have to put this movie in my top three! But what do I know, I cut lawns for a living, so I could be wrong… Let me just say, I do a lot of thinking about these flicks when I’m on my mower, so I’m not just mailing in a review here. I think I know what I’m talking about and I think I give “RISE of the PLANET of the APES” two enthusiastic opposable thumbs up!
Get out there and see some movies folks, and lets talk!
Matty W. Kelley reporting… back to you Ron Burgandy.