The Not So Great Gatsby

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THeNotSoGreatGatsby“The Great Gatsby” is a literary masterpiece…. but I wouldn’t want to read it. Books. What are they good for? Absolutely nothing.

For any of you out there that are fans of my column, you already know how I feel about books. But just in case I’m getting any new, first time readers, I’d like to tell YOU PERSONALLY how I feel about books. Books suck. They’re the worst.

Books are for nerds. And of course, the movie is ALWAYS better than the book.

I can’t stress this point enough, but I’ll try. If I were in prison with Andy Dufresne and “Red” Redding, I would want the warden to shut down ‘Brooks Hall’ and take
all the books (including “The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexander Dumas) out into the prison yard and have a big old fashioned book-burning party. Continue reading The Not So Great Gatsby