
[xrr rating=5/5]
Flight“Flight” takes you on an upside down thrill ride followed up by a character driven tour de force named Denzel.

Robert Zemeckis is the man! Why is he the man? Because he has directed some of the most entertaining films of my generation.

Just look at his directorial resume: “Forrest Gump,” “Cast Away,” “The Polar Express,” (wow, that’s a lot of Tom Hanks movies) and one of my underrated favorites “Contact.” But he is “the man” because he gave us “Back to the Future.” Then followed that up with parts II and III. This is quite possibly my second favorite trilogy of all time, of course right behind “Star Wars.” But could Mr. Zemeckis do it again and overwhelm me with another wonderful film that has longevity? Short answer, yes he could. And he does with the film “Flight.” Continue reading Flight