August: Osage County

OsageCountyChick flicks. What the hell are they? From what I’ve gathered over the years is that they meet one (or more) of three criteria.

  1. The cast must be predominantly woman, with the lead being a strong female character.
  2. The film must be filled with heavy emotional issues, usually relationship based. And usually the movie will make you want to cry… or laugh… or angered… or sad… or happy… or all of this at once. (Yes, its usually an emotional roller coaster.)
  3. The film is typically designed to appeal to women. This is the film’s main target audience. (and if the movie just so happens to pull in a male viewing audience because they were dragged to the theatre to see it by their girlfriends, well then more power to you.)

So that’s what I think a “chick-flick” is.

Are men allowed to like chick-flicks? Let’s let the men answer that for themselves. Continue reading August: Osage County