‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Theatre Tragedy

[xrr rating=4.5/5]
TheDarkKnightRisesThis is an opinion piece I’ve written about the Colorado theatre massacre 

“The Dark Knight Rises”… and all I can think about is the horrific tragedy that happened out in Aurora, Colorado.

I’ve been looking forward to reviewing this movie ever since the first previews for it came out over a year ago.

Tragedies happen. Sometimes they are an act of God. Sometimes they are an act of malfunction. Sometimes they are an act of terrorism. And sometimes they are an act of a selfish lunatic. But all of the time, they are unfathomable.

Continue reading ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Theatre Tragedy


[xrr rating=3.5/5]
SavagesBefore you get your hopes up, this review has nothing to do with Fred or “Macho Man” Randy Savage.

Strike one: “John Carter.”

Strike two: “Battleship.”

“And Taylor Kitsch digs his feet in at the plate, down 0-2, with only ‘Savages’ to save his big screen career… here’s the pitch… he’s alive, he’s alive! He just hit a gap shot to right-center field! He should be allowed to make at least one more major motion picture!”

Boy, that was a close one. Taylor Kitsch has had a rough year, but “Savages” is a good enough film to keep him in the game for the foreseeable future. I’ve been rooting for this guy ever since “John Carter” started getting bad publicity, even before it hit the theatres.

Then I saw “John Carter.” Continue reading Savages

‘Magic Mike’

[xrr rating=2/5]
MagicMikeIs “Magic Mike” worthy of a pole dance?

Many women have been bombarding me with the question, “Hey Matty, when are you going to review ‘Magic Mike?'” Well ladies, your wish is my command.

I can sum it up for you in one word… gross. Okay, I’m sorry about that. I’ll be more professional about this.

Friday night I made it out to the theatre with full expectations of seeing the Mark Wahlberg vehicle, “Ted.” But with that film being sold out, and my adoring fans begging me to see “Magic Mike,” I said to myself, “What the hell, why not? Hundreds of women can’t be wrong.” Continue reading ‘Magic Mike’